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Welcome Home!

Tri  City
Church of Christ



Tri City Church of Christ (TCCC) is a family-church focused on loving God and our community and making disciples of Jesus. Since 1973, TCCC has sought to involve itself in the lifeblood of our Southern Oregon community, as well as locations outside the state and country, including places such as Haiti, Russia, and Guatemala. TCCC has consistently been about helping people deal with hurts, habits & hangups to live purposeful lives and be followers of Jesus. Many people have found a home church and family in Douglas County with TCCC. Our small care-groups have provided safe places of refuge for those seeking a safe harbor during times of personal storms. TCCC has always had a heart for those marginalized or victimized and has sought to bring healing and support. The goals of TCCC continue to be to honor God by making and help maturing disciples of Christ who care for the hurting, are maturing in God’s Word, and passionately seeking to bring others to Jesus.

Hands Up


Please join us!  You're welcome any time.  We'd love to have you as part of our family.  You're welcome to our services, our bible studies, our events.  Check out our podcasts, our blogs, our social media.  If you have any questions, we'd love to give you answers.  Reach out to us in via phone, email, mail or in person!  Contact info is here.

Pastor Dan's  Podcast

Listen to Our Latest Episode: (under construction)

More info, coming soon!

“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the lord, and he will repay him for his deed.” 

Proverbs 19:17

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